News / 05 Feb 24
Iklectik Closed: A Loss for Experimental Music; But is There Still hope?
Roxy Caruana
We felt a profound disappointment upon learning that Iklectik had been forced to close its doors on January 20. Every visit was greeted by the warm smiles of Isa and Eduard, the wonderful hosts who cultivated a community centred around experimental music.
Located in the heart of Waterloo, Iklectik was not only a hub for outstanding experimental artists and live performances but also a haven where people of all ages gathered in its beautiful garden chatting and sharing their passion for sonic exploration.
The venue's closure is a stark reminder of the homogenisation process that is sweeping across London and other major cities worldwide, where generic chains, new buildings and supermarkets are replacing unique cultural spaces. And that's very sad.
Over its ten-year existence from 2014, Iklectik hosted an impressive array of events, including over 1700 shows, 21 festivals, and 23 fundraisers, drawing in more than 60,000 visitors. It transcended from being merely a venue, evolving into a nexus where education, research, and creativity converged. Isa and Eduard are proud of their collaborations with both emerging and established international artists, universities, record labels, and technology organizations.
While Iklectik may have closed its doors, hope remains. Isa and Eduard refuse to yield, embarking on new and promising ventures despite the setback. They have two new projects on the horizon: THE ART LAB and THE NOMADIK PROGRAMME.
THE ART LAB aims to establish a unique, purpose-built creative hub, fostering collaboration among experimentalists from diverse disciplines.
This hub will serve as a home for artist residencies, R&D programmes, and workshops, becoming an incubator and accelerator of creative partnerships. The goal is to leverage the ART LAB to broaden opportunities for artists of all levels, offering essential access to AV tools, listening resources, shared workspace, a library, and a specialized bookshop.
THE NOMADIK PROGRAMME, on the other hand, will see Isa and Eduard hit the road, collaborating with various venues in London, the UK, and beyond, to organise events and host live performances.
However, these ambitious projects come with a cost. Isa and Eduard have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise £55,000 to cover rent and deposit for the ART LAB space for the first six months, soundproofing and building setup costs, running costs, production costs for the NOMADIK programme, and residencies and workshops.
As Isa and Eduard put it "This is more than a fundraising campaign; it's a call to action. Your contribution will not only help save IKLECTIK, it will be a vital asset in the future of experimental art, preserving a cultural legacy for generations to come."
So, let's rally behind Iklectik and help bring these projects to life. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a difference!
Let's ensure that the spirit of Iklectik lives on, fostering creativity and pushing the boundaries of experimental music.

Experimental Music
Experimental Art
Grassroots Venue