
夢​​​の​​​エ​​​ー​​​テ​​​ル(Dream ether)

夢​​​の​​​エ​​​ー​​​テ​​​ル(Dream ether)
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  • Title:
    夢​​​の​​​エ​​​ー​​​テ​​​ル(Dream ether)
  • Release Date:
    10 Apr 24
  • Label:
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Some would refer it to the feeling of Deja-Vu but I'd say it's music to people who like to lucid dream. Almost like a meditation that lets you construct a vivid memory or imagery in your brain.

About the album: "夢のエーテル is an exploration of the subconscious nostalgia and half remembered ambiences that linger from 1990s cultural ephemera. more than revisiting surface level signifiers, it reconstructs an impressionistic realm of romanticized memory, a dreamscape populated by familiar yet ungraspable fragmentary memories of sound. drowsy samples of forgotten commercial jingles intermingle with antiquated existentialism that hint at broader questions about how we idealize that era. the idea is to transport the listener to the periphery of conscious recollection, inducing a hypnagogic reverie where the real and idealized dissolve into an all-encompassing chroma-hued rhapsody untethered from false memories." ~~ uv.exe

About the artist: u v . e x e taps into that liminality between memory and ideation, reality and romanticized fiction. the auditory equivalent of a vague, hazy notion drifting across your mind's eye before dissipating back into the ether. it musically manifests those shimmering impressions that float through humanity's peripheral awareness, giving form to the formless by evoking experiences you're not quite sure you ever truly had. u v . e x e subsists in that indistinct realm of the not quite perceived, the speculative rhapsody of the collective subconscious mind.

Come say his name three times before your sleep and bring your ultimate support to this legendary dreamer! U V . E X E

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